EPISODE 280 “We’re a screw loose” – 18/02/2020

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyNorman MacArthurVentura_
Loose Screw Media WarriorKai Zen
Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. FD wish we were going to Mycapp PW-G C12-6 but other than something looking awesome there’s nothing ‘actually’ there…
  2. Paige is going to become a Full Time Content creator on Twitch
    1. https://www.twitch.tv/arthremis
  3. Dr Ross is also leaving FD

Main discussion

  1. Kai from Loose Screw’s Open letter
    1. Mentioned on FD’s Monday live stream
      Basically they say Kai made a good creative letter, well thought out, and constructive criticism etc. FD are passing all the stuff over and are looking to formulate a response
    2. Response from FD

Community Corner

  1. Elite Shots
    1. Cmdr Garud has released a lovely Elite Dangerous Screenshot Gallery / Website
  2. Buur Pit celebrates 5000 subs (5000 Video)
    1. Competition expiring on the 18th Feb to comment on their video, but grats to them for 5000!
  3. New funny Thread on the forums look at Breaking News
  4. Congrats to Musketeer who has just achieved 100,000 CQC Kills. 
  5. Loose Screws has a website!
    1. Also in monster episode 24, they have a great discussion following on from Exegious’ discussion with “The Pilot” about Pay to Win and Elite Dangerous


  1. From Mr TeaTime
    When playing or thinking about Elite Dangerous, what sci-fi movie or movie franchise(s) do you think most fits the game and which one would you like it to most resemble and why?”
    1. The reason I ask is because I think this colours people’s expectations of the game, its “style”, the content (whatever that means) and also the views on its development…


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders
  4. Breaking News: ECM has only ONE ticket left (as of 22:00 GMT – Tuesday)  – 22:13 and they’re all gone!
  5. Hot mess – 30,479 of 55,242 mugs / 55.17% of stations have a mug.

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