The Benedetti Brandy Ball Rules.
This document explains the rules and procedures for the above race/ intercept.
What you need
- Two teams of 3 or 4 players. The teams must be in equal size. One team will be runners, one team will be pirates.
- The running team will need ships with a 30 ly jump range and 20 tonnes of cargo space full of Lavian Brandy.
- Alternatively there is a suggestion from Paige Harvey to attempt to sabotage all the Stephen’s by delivering ‘cat’ related items. (For example CD-75 Kitten Brand Coffee from Kirk Dock, CD-75 661 or Azure Milk from George Lucas in Leesti.)
- The pirate team will need ships with a 30 ly jump range, an interdictor and maybe a wake scanner.
- All ships taking part must have ‘REPORT ALL CRIMES AGAINST ME’ switched off!
- It is recommended that this is carried out in a Private Group which all the players can access and all Players will be ‘Friended’ so they can see each other on the galactic map.
- Choose which of the two planned out routes the teams wish to run.
For the Runner’s Team
The idea is for the runners team to jump through each of the selected route’s systems from Lave to 157 G. Aquarii in the fastest time and with the most Brandy left over.In each of the systems, a runner will attempt to fly to the station, sell a single unit of Lavian Brandy and then move onto the next.
The Pirates will try and steal the brandy off the runners. If a pirate manages a successful interdiction, the runner must either;-
Abandon a single tonne of brandy within 15 seconds for the pirate to scoop and then the pirate must (Looking at you Shan!!) let them go.
Try to make a run for it and risk being attacked by the pirate or having hatch-breakers used against them.
If the runner has run out of brandy, the pirate may attack and attempt to kill the runner for the crime of being a bit pants!
When a runner gets to the station in 157 G. Aquarii, their time is logged and for every tonne of cargo they have lost due to pirate attack, a minute is added to their time.The winner is the runner with the lowest adjusted time.
For the Pirate Team
The idea is to take as much Brandy off the runners as possible. The runners get a minute start, Normally enough time to make the first jump and after that the race is on. The Pirates have to intercept the runners using interdiction only. They are not to ‘Dock Block’!!
When a runner is interdicted, they have 15 seconds to abandon a single tonne of Brandy. If they do not abandon the cargo, the pirate can attempt to either kill the runner or use Hatch breaker limpets against them (But not both).
Quite simply, the pirate gets a point for each tonne of Brandy they steal and they get 5 points for ‘legally’ destroying a runner. The Pirate with the most points at the end of the game wins.
The Routes
The Standard Game Route (Playtime about an hour)
Distance | System Name | Cruise Distance | Time Estimate | Station Name | Station Type | Estimated Jumps |
Lave | 279Ls | Lave Station | Coriolis Starport | |||
88.04Ly | Anukam | 21Ls | ~73s | Stephenson Landing | Outpost | 3 – 4 |
75.18Ly | Delta Pavonis | 1205Ls | ~127s | Stephenson Orbital | Outpost | 3 |
41.99Ly | Burojinura | 137Ls | ~86s | Stephens Enterprise | Ocellus Starport | 2 |
77.95Ly | Wolf 294 | 75Ls | ~80s | Stephenson Dock | Outpost | 3 |
47.18Ly | BD+75 58 | 2295Ls | ~151s | Stephenson Station | Coriolis Starport | 2 |
34.09Ly | TT 58343 | 2292Ls | ~151s | Stephenson Camp | Outpost | 2 |
74.87Ly | Lalande 6320 | 216Ls | ~91s | Stephen Young’s Academy | Orbis Starport | 3 |
0.00Ly | Lalande 6320 | 219Ls | ~91s | Stephen Varey’s Station | Orbis Starport | 0 |
46.69Ly | EGM 823 | 77Ls | ~80s | Stephens Works | Planetary Outpost | 2 |
66.56Ly | 157 G. Aquarii | Stephen’s Folly | 3 |
The ‘Benedetti Brandy Bar-steward Ball’ Route (For advanced players)
Distance | System | Distance | Time Estimate | Station Name | Station Type | Estimated Jumps |
> Lave | 279Ls | Lave Station | Coriolis Starport | |||
87.18Ly | > Nemehi | 116Ls | ~84s | Stephenson Orbital | Orbis Starport | 3-4 |
18.11Ly | > Burojinura | 137Ls | ~86s | Stephens Enterprise | Ocellus Starport | 1 |
29.55Ly | > LHS 480 | 15Ls | ~71s | Stephenson Settlement | Outpost | 1 |
88.34Ly | > EGM 823 | 77Ls | ~80s | Stephens Works | Planetary Outpost | 3-4 |
46.69Ly | > Lalande 6320 | 216Ls | ~91s | Stephen Young’s Academy | Orbis Starport | 2 |
0.00Ly | > Lalande 6320 | 219Ls | ~91s | Stephen Varey’s Station | Orbis Starport | 0 |
54.87Ly | > Delta Pavonis | 1205Ls | ~127s | Stephenson Orbital | Outpost | 2-3 |
30.30Ly | > Charunder | 3765Ls | ~175s | Stephens Prospect | Planetary Port | 2 |
45.14Ly | > Anukam | 21Ls | ~73s | Stephenson Landing | Outpost | 2 |
39.41Ly | > 36 Doradus | 167854Ls | ~802s | Stephenson Terminal | Outpost | 2 |
65.33Ly | > Zeta Leporis | 4943Ls | ~191s | Stephenson Beacon | Planetary Outpost | 3 |
60.61Ly | > Wolf 294 | 75Ls | ~80s | Stephenson Dock | Outpost | 3 |
12.98Ly | > Saktsak | 2871Ls | ~161s | Stephenson Hub | Outpost | 1 |
48.71Ly | > BD+75 58 | 2295Ls | ~151s | Stephenson Station | Coriolis Starport | 2 |
70.42Ly | > Psi Tauri | 261Ls | ~94s | Stephenson Hub | Planetary Outpost | 3 |
117.23Ly | > Pinouphis | 314Ls | ~96s | Stephens Hub | Planetary Outpost | 4-5 |
47.30Ly | > TT 58343 | 2292Ls | ~151s | Stephenson Camp | Outpost | 2 |
78.75Ly | > 157 G. Aquarii | 3 |