Lave Radio Episode 257 – If It’s not got a cow skin, I don’t give a ^$%^! – 27/08/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine

Greetings, Commanders, and welcome to Episode #257 of Lave Radio. The show about the universe of Elite, and the fantastic community that surrounds it.

If you can’t get in-game you can also join the Twitch chat channel, which you can access through “” and clicking on ‘live chat’; and on “”.

Tonight’s activity in-game

  1. Is Kurgol flying to Maia to see the new Thargoid?

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?


  1. Viper paint jobs.

Main discussion

  1. Fleet Carrier discussion. 
    • Single-player surprise? Like the player freighter in NMS.
    • 500 ly but Refuelled by what? New kind of fuel? Possible skimming from gas giants? Powered by Arx? (Hope not).
    • You can schedule jumps, how often will you be able to? 
    • Who would you allow to dock? (private, friends, squadron?)
    • One carrier per instance and they cannot be destroyed. Can you drive it off’ like other capital ships?
    • What will you use for your personal fleet carrier for?
    • How much should they cost?
    • Rumour has it, they will need to be maintained, and not just fueled.. Thoughts?
    • Refuel, rearm and repair but to get different functions, you have to add the right support ship?
      1. Trade – does this mean you can store commodities there?
      2. Bounty hunting
      3. Exploration
      4. Search and rescue
      5. Piracy? Base for griefers?
      6. Miner
      7. Mercenary
      8. Smuggler
      9. No anti-Xeno though.
    • 4 large pads, 4 medium pads, 4 small pads. Once all the pads have been used, no-one else can dock
    • How big are those support ships? And are support ship and modules the same thing?

Community Corner

  • Best video of the carrier announcement has to be the ‘ghost giraffe’ s drunk Review. 


Someone posted on the ED forum that you guys could use some ideas re:The Grind.

My ED copilots and I have one glaring Grind issue, and that is Raw mats.  The issue is, we are purely combat pilots, and there is only one way to gather Raw mats for engineering, SRV surface prospecting.  None of us want to drive SRVs in circles picking stuff up, yet we have to do so for many hours. It’s really irritating. Miners and Explorers can gain Manufactured/Encoded/Raw mats from their normal tasks and missions. Combat pilots must step away from their normal tasks/missions to get Raw mats. 

The fix is simple.  Add Raw mats as mission reward options, and make NPC Mining/Trading ships drop some Raw mats just like ships drop Manufacture mats. 

The credit grind is gone, now it is just the mat grind.

What Do you think of Fleet Carriers? Have you got idea about the Role you want to do?


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 256 – No Elite’s Sky – 20/08/2019

Download the episode directly from here.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  • Stephen Benedetti posted a response from Ian Dingwall about the latest from Galnet. It appears that we are losing a little content but that is because interstellar Initiatives requires a lot of work. 
  • What was interesting was that even though they’ve just hired a new writer, there is an ‘aggressive production schedule’ which means that things are repositioned. What does everyone think of that? 
  • Fdev is at Gamescom in Germany at the moment. It’s planet zoo’s time but there is an elite meet. 

In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?

  1. Dav did the Background presentation. 
  2. Stephen managed to upgrade his combat rank to Novice on Monday. 
  3. Fdev staff was at Fantasticon last weekend. Nothing was announced but they had many interesting chats with the community. 
  4. There is a photo competition as well. 
  5. People annoyed that they can’t enter the above competition on the forum and so are accusing Fdev of ignoring the forums. 

Main discussion

  1. With NMS being upgraded to beyond this week, how does it compare to ED? Is it ED light? 
  2. Rebel galaxy Outlaw was released as well, this feels also more Elite like but you are following someone else’s narrative I. E. Freelancer, dark star one & X-Rebirth. 
  3. Both of these games have a lot less grind (NMS has reduced theirs). Should Elite do the same? I. E. Reduce travel time somehow? Rebalance credits? 

Community Corner

(thanks to AXI and Gluttony Fang for that) 

  • The folks at Operation Ida are working on Kaiser Terminal – Wayutabal
    • HAUL:
    • Indium 80% 56,383 (-3,360)
    • Gallium 24% 72,294 (-3,658)
    • Copper 29% 23,641 (-0,696)
    • Aluminium 34% 26,180 (-3,920)
    • Synthetic Fabrics 61% 142,568 (-48,423)
    • Overall 321,066 (-60,057)
    • Next Milestone 250,000
    • 24h Total: 99,557
  • Alec Turner’s has the new Hot off the Press Buckyball run in progress at the moment. (in association with SAGi)
  • Sagittarius Eye going quarterly with Issue 25


  1. Shall we put out a community question? Should ED reduce the grind and how? 


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.

Lave Radio Episode 255: Breaking wind at 900m/s

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
Chief Bar StewardGrant WoolcottPsykokow
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine


  • Alec Turner
  • Sanderling – Elite Races.

Greetings, Commanders, and welcome to Episode 255 of Lave Radio. The show about the universe of Elite, and the fantastic community that surrounds it.

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. GalNet changes
    • This from Ian Doncaster…
    • If this means that the amount of Galnet content won’t change, but the percentage that’s related to in-game content will increase, I think that’s very positive – especially if that means that there’s more non-routine in-game content going on than previously.

      If this means that the amount of Galnet content related to in-game content won’t change, but the total amount of Galnet content will decrease, then that feels like taking several steps back, to how things were two or three years ago when Galnet could go for weeks between non-automated news items.

      I think also, while people weren’t satisfied with the “off-camera” narratives, this was because they took place 100% off-camera, and often, more recently, in undefined locations so that people couldn’t go looking for in-game signs of them. They felt like they weren’t really happening in Elite Dangerous.

      There’s still, I think, room for quite a bit of off-camera narrative, provided that it relates to some in-game content as well. For example, the Enclave Interstellar Initiative could have had some “background” material in Galnet over the previous few months:
      – 6 months before II starts: news article about how meta-alloys are being widely used in research
      – 4 months before II starts: news article where some corporation expresses concerns about the meta-alloy supply security
      – 1 month before II starts: story about scientists noting Pleiades barnacles are showing signs of damage
      …and then go into the II with that as lead-up, rather than it suddenly starting with “meta-alloy prices double! exploration CG! no previous hints that there was any sort of issue!”
      – and then of course potential for a few stories following up after the II months later highlighting the long-term effects it’s had

      If most of the stories eventually connected around to in-game events, they wouldn’t need to all have in-game interactions directly associated with them for players to feel that they were relevant. (e.g. Drew Wagar’s “Premonition” storyline was generally well-received and the finale had lots of players participating on both sides, despite most of the lead up happening “off-camera” and often even “off-Galnet”) An in-game event which connected three stories from months or even years ago that people had assumed were just background flavour could be really exciting. (And it’d look like you’d planned it that way even if you’d just picked up those loose stories months later, too)
    • Also this from Alec Turner
      1. @Stephen Benedetti can I ask then, on average do you expect there to be roughly the same number of Galnet stories per week but instead of Frontier inventing stories (e.g. the winking cat stuff or the dude who stole a DBX) they’ll now be covering things that actually happened (e.g. expeditions, races, AX combat/repair achievements, etc)? (which sounds great) … or, do you mean that you’ll be cutting those side stories and then, once a month or so, adding a story about the outcome of something wide reaching (but still largely Frontier created) such as an Interstellar Initiative or game update? (which sounds disappointing on the surface at least).

        The thing is, what Galnet needs to do is bring a sense of life to the galaxy. If FD have to invent that life (as at present) then so be it, if they can cover the life that players are creating on a daily basis then even better, but if (as it slightly sounds), it’s going to become even more lifeless … that would be a HUGE pity!
  2. Featured Commanders : Cmdr ToCoSo (Tom Cook)
  3. Conclusion of the Enclave Interstellar Initiative
  4. This thursday, FDev will have Dav doing a similar, or even the same, presentation about the Back-ground simulation we had at lavecon this week on the Thursday Presentation.

Newsletter (every second show) [link]

  1. New ASP paint Jobs

Main discussion

  1. Alec Turner – What do people actually want from Frontier re: support for “racetracks”? – and other Sept Update features

Community Corner


  1. Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at or, for just the audio, at
  2. For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “”.
  3. Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders

Lave Radio Episode 254: Jeff Goldblum’s filling Colin in at the Petting Planet Zoo – by proxy

Download the episode directly from here.

PositionCrew MemberCMDR Name
Head of Health and SafetyBen Moss-WoodwardEid LeWeise
Chief ArchivistColin FordPhoenix_Dfire
(in)Human Resources DirectorShanShan
Lavian Space Program DirectorAndy BarnesKurgol
Deputy Trade AttachéSouvSouvarine
Tech MonkeyCmdr Ventura

Development News – what have the devs said this week?

  1. Sunglasses (and other things) were removed from this store due to the September Update…
  2. Meet the Team – Commander Sputnik and Commander Electron
  3. New Engineer comes to the Witch Head Nebula
  4. FD Looking for Combat Focussed CG

Main discussion

  1. Review of the Latest Interstellar Initiative (it finishes officially on Thursday) 

Community Corner

  1. Play Elite on a PS Vita
    1. Cmdr Arkaboop on Reddit shows us how to play Elite using Remote Play on a PS Vita using a Mobile Hotspot (because the local WiFi is rubbish) as well as adding a case that adds the L2/R2 and L3/R3 triggers so as not to lose any functionality.
      1. Maybe we can segway into “mobile ways to play elite”
    2. FANGS is back, with “MERCS” — a single-chapter palate cleanser that shows the seedier side of the galaxy
      2. Note from Cmdr Garrus

        This took a little longer than I was anticipating (I should just go ahead and trademark that phrase, lol), but David (/u/RahnKavall) and I are pleased to present the next chapter of FANGS: a short single-chapter interlude called MERCS.

        (What’s Fangs, you ask? Fangs is a noir-themed web comic set in the Elite: Dangerous universe!)

        MERCS is an original story written and illustrated by David, using the characters from his own E:D web comic MERCENARY COMMANDER (now sadly offline, or I’d link to it Ah, we’ve still got the images!). After getting all super-duper emotional with FANGS book 2, I wanted to do something a little less serious to change things up a bit and get the tone a little lighter—and Rahn & Moose here certainly fit the bill 😀

        David & I are now heads-down working on FANGS book 3, which will be titled “To Sail Forbidden Seas” and which will be about a commander who gets marooned in Witchspace during a mis-jump and comes face to face with the things that lurk in the between:

        Test panel, temp VFX, subject to change

        We’ve been refining our art process and now have a Maya-driven workflow (which lets us do interior shots like this!), and we’re excited about the art possibilities!

        You guys are an amazing community and David & I are grateful for your continued support. Thanks for reading FANGS—it makes me really happy to see folks enjoying something we worked so hard on 🙂
    3. Drew has released Michael’s Story as an ebook
      1. Dear Elite Dangerous Community.

        You will likely recall the story of CMDR Michael Holyland, who sadly passed way in May this year at the age of 15.

        A personalised audiobook was created for him by the combined efforts of Frontier, Voice Actors and the Community.

        It was Michael’s wish that the audiobook be made available to the community so they could also enjoy it. We have taken the additional step of publishing it in ebook formats too. The book can be freely downloaded from the link below.

        We are suggesting donations to Cancer Research UK in memory of Michael.