Grant Woolcott
I'm pretty sure he said "bug fixes"
On Lave Radio Episode 66 – Squeee 3, Xbox One, Lavecon 2015, Artemis… SOO MUCH
I'd really like to tackle this comment, but frankly we're out of time... so back to the studio 😀 Thanks…
On Lave Radio Episode 65 – Powerplay HITS Release, and LaveHammer
Congratulations commander!! You have won the "I'm not a 'real' player" achievement! 😉
On Lave Radio Episode 66 – Squeee 3, Xbox One, Lavecon 2015, Artemis… SOO MUCH
No hiding good taste!! 😉 Well worth the fiver I sent you..
On Lave Radio Episode 65 – Powerplay HITS Release, and LaveHammer was the one we were discussing the most, I'll have a look at the notes for any others.
On Lave Radio Episode 65 – Powerplay HITS Release, and LaveHammer
We'll pass your message to John and he can get in touch with you.. though you could leave a message…
On Rangers of Florin – Interview
Open vs Solo.. hmmm that might be a good shout!!! 😀
On Lave Radio Episode 56 – Excuse me, there’s no fly in my Vodka
heheh I grinded my way back to a cobra, and crashed it trying to exit the station... so I'm not…
On Lave Radio Episode 49 – Lets Talk Elite
We aim for 8:30pm GMT Tuesday nights.
On Episode 48 – 1.1 is out, onwards to 1.2
I am terribly sorry, it is unforgivable, I have managed to get variants of your name, I have fixed the…
On Elite RPG 2 – The Lave Radio crew return to continue the adventure: Elite Encounters