Position | Crew Member | CMDR Name |
Head of Health and Safety | Ben Moss-Woodward | Eid LeWeise |
(in)Human Resources Director | Shan | Shan |
Deputy Trade Attaché | Souv | Souvarine |
Tech Monkey | Norman MacArthur | Ventura_ |
Tech Gibbon | Chris Mk IV | Newell Turner |
USA USA USA | Kai Zen | Kai Zen |
Download the episode directly from here.
Development News – what have the devs said this week?
- Frontier’s Thursday Stream
- Absolutely Fab stream with Stephen and Arf with Special Guests Alec Turner and Cmdr Blackmaze who teach the guys how to climb a wall in an SRV
- Frontier’s Tuesday Stream
- Bruce and Stephen doing the CG. So lovely “noob” moments with Stephen wondering why he’s heating up, and the stream shouting at him that Silent Running was on…. Equally for Bruce, the stream telling him to reboot / repair instead of waiting for his shields to come back… But some nice flying from the guys using fixed plasma and flak cannons on a Mamba
- Future Streams start at 16:30
- ED is backwards compatible
- https://twitter.com/EliteDangerous/status/1324320680712830979
- Elite Dangerous is backwards compatible with Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5.
- Nice post by Dreampage explaining the differences
- Loading times are improved
- (Huge) Performance Boost – “Now, on Series X it’s finally possible to play the game at a near locked 60 fps in 4K/Quality mode, and basically a full, locked 60 fps in all circumstances in 4K/Performance mode.”
- “In short, Elite Dangerous works like a charm on Series X and even in 4K it runs incomparably better than on the previous generation of consoles. All this without the developers having to do anything. I can imagine further optimization could be done, but as it is, it’s still utterly fantastic. I’ve never seen Elite being so smooth on console and it’s a joy to play like this.”
- Hadrian Duval Seeks Reintegration with the Empire
- ‘Ghost Ship’ Leads Alliance to New Resources
In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?
- Halloween Event code get’s (nearly) solved. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csRZ7QnhXb0
- LONG:-38.0 615 LY BODY 3
- From the original logs: LAT: 11.86 and Class M Star
- 615 from listening post and 300 from crashed sidey
- (and this basically takes us explicitly back to the Coalsack where we found
Main Discussion
- PC Gamer Christmas Edition gets ED: Odyssey Combat Article
- The Article (as photos in imgur) https://imgur.com/a/IKySWFb
Community Corner
- Dataslate Episode 20 will be delayed a week or so because Allen had a perfect storm of a great, but long recording session and well as majorly busy with ‘Real Life’
- Turning the Wheel
- All is well in all the places, we are climbing in PHRA LAK and will soon take control. We are pending expansion right now from Turdo Tani and this expansion will put us into Lave.
We have successfully concluded operation Shindez having accomplished our task of getting absolute confirmation that it is not possible to expand out of there just as we already knew that it was not Possible to expand into there.
We will be in lave for Thanksgiving So have some whiskey ready for the party and hide your women! :sunglasses:
- All is well in all the places, we are climbing in PHRA LAK and will soon take control. We are pending expansion right now from Turdo Tani and this expansion will put us into Lave.
- We are sad to announce that we lost a dear friend and fellow ED Commander, 37-year-old Commander Operator83 (known as Zoka).
Zoka was one of the original members of B.I.G. (Balkan Intergalactic Guerilla). He was a proud Imperial warrior who answered the first call to mobilisation and volunteered to defend our home system, Rudjer Boskovic, against aggression by Federal groups in the year 3300.
Having proved himself as a very capable combat pilot he was selected to represent team B.I.G. in seasons 1 and 2 of the prestigious ED PVP League in 3301. His finest hour came in a famous tie-breaker victory, when he helped our team to secure a third place in the galaxy.
Following this victory he was promoted to the rank of Voivoda (Duke), the highest honour bestowed by B.I.G. He went on to share his enormous experience with new members as a flight instructor and mentor. Zoka also proved to be an excellent SRV driver and climber.
In 3302 he answered humanity’s call to defend against the growing Thargoid threat in the frontline systems around Asterope.
Finally, this seasoned veteran decided to seek solitude and fulfil his lifelong longing for exploration by setting out with the Distant Worlds 2 expedition in 3304.
He answered the call of the black – and the black finally took him – on October 24th this year.
His roaring laughter in the face of danger and most difficult of times kept our group together and our spirits up. It will sadly be missed by all of us.
After much searching we managed to locate Zoka’s Krait Phantom ISS Millennium Falcon in a far corner of the galaxy. Through great effort we have managed to return it to the Rudjer Boskovic system where it will be displayed in his memory.
We invite all commanders who would like to come and pay their respects to join us on November 14th on the Fleet Carrier “Operator83 Memorial” in the “Rudjer Boskovic” system, starting 20:00 UTC (in game time), open game mode. Fly past his ship and the guard of honour and fire chaff as a final salute to a beloved member of our community during this time. - And even more Sad News, Cmdr Penfold aka Mark Sanders sadly sailed beyond the veil on the 8th of November. He’d been fighting Cancer and kicking its ass but sadly caught Covid – 19 taking him from us. Many of us in the Lave Radio Crew knew Penfold from the kickstarter days He was also a regular Lavecon and ECM Attendee. He was an absolute gentleman, quiet and a little shy but when you were allowed to meet him properly, his charm and warmth as a amazing and kind human being shone brightly. It is devastating to lose Penfold especially during his amazingly brave fight of his cancer, his family supporting him through out and we send our heartfelt commiserations and love to them. We will miss your friendly face and kindness at our future events, we have lost an amazing human being and sadly a very dear friend.
- Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at tv.forthemug.com/ or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
- For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
- After this we have the galactic News Digest from Commander Wotherspoon.
- For all those interested in Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books, Lave Station’s Station Commander has restarted the Dataslate podcast on a Friday Night; for all those that like a decent bit of literary escapism.
- Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders