Position | Crew Member | CMDR Name |
Head of Health and Safety | Ben Moss-Woodward | Eid LeWeise |
Chief Archivist | Colin Ford | Phoenix_Dfire |
(in)Human Resources Director | Shan | Shan |
Deputy Trade Attaché | Souv | Souvarine |
Tech Gibbon | Chris Mk IV | Newell Turner |
Tech Orangutan | N2 | N2G7 |
Download the episode directly from here.
Development News – what have the devs said this week?
- MCV Develop 964 Odyssey – One Giant Leap
- 100 – 140 Devs working on Odyssey
- No CGI trailers.
- Let’s Play Community Goal
- Announced that AMA would be coming on Friday 8th
- Tuesday 12th – we’re still waiting and FD say it’ll be out “soon”
- Supercruise News 12th Jan
In-Game Events – what’s happened this week?
- Aegis continues calls for support against the thargoids due to defunding.
- Operation IDA has started to move into the coalsack to start repairing a lot of the stations.
- AXI has moved operations to the witchhead as they’ve now managed to clear all systems in the coalsack.
- New CG to provide Xenological Samples to Scientists in Colonia!
- Aegis Supports Galactic Summit – further calls for Galactic unity against the alien threat.
- Fleet Admiral Vincent’s Trial Date Set. – 25th January.
Main Discussion
- The Best Memory of Elite you’ve got Discussion!
The Forum Thread : https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/lave-radio-needs-your-help.563031/
We also had LOADS on Twitter and will be covering these next week
Community Corner
- TDW are back from Holiday break and are pushing now. Will go pending expansion this week to go into Sol Test site. After that they are prepped to start the expansion to LFT509 test site. So this month is going to see them test the remaining 2 sites!
- We hope MalicVR enjoyed his week of fame with his 5hr 48min Beagle Point run … this has now been utterly shattered by previous record holder Dr Chives with a time of 4hrs 18mins 53secs
- Former Community Manager Paige Harvey AKA Arthremis is doing a multi streamer AMA on life as a marginalised person on Saturday the 30th of January from 12pm to 6pm
- We have to congratulate Cmdr Muskateer for reaching 200,000 kills in CQC (200,003 at the last count).
- Congratulations must also goto Cmdr Overlight who took 5 seconds off the Hutton Orbital run speed record, which had previously been held by Cmdr Bret Riverboat for over a year.
- It appears that the company that supplied the Fantastic ED Tracker has gone under. Although you can still buy the device in kit form (https://hobbycomponents.com/234-edtracker), the main website has gone down and there is no support available unless you go via the forums or the amazing Brumster still has software on his website. (http://www.brumster.com/index.php/gaming/6-edtracker-pro-software)
- Elite Dangerous Ship Anatomy – http://a.teall.info/edsa/
- Awesome tool, showing you where on your ship your modules actually are
- Lego Diamondback Explorer :- https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-62251/rylxfrescher/elite-dangerous-diamondback-explorer/
- Hutton goes to the Antarctic – Voyage 2 (3307), along with the Fuel Rats and Canonn Interstellar
- The High Wake has released another parody video, this time highlighting how important it is to drive safely around Guardian Sites
- Our sister station, Hutton Orbital Radio, Broadcasts on Thursdays from 20:30. You can tune in at twitch.tv/huttonorbitaltruckers or, for just the audio, at radio.forthemug.com/.
- For the discerning Commander who likes a bit of CQC action, check out the CQC Discord at “discord.me/elitedangerouscqc”.
- For those who want a literary discussion about Sci-fi and fantasy books. Please subscribe to the Dataslate podcast created by station commander Allen Stroud.
- Following this we have the amazing Galactic Digest News as supplied by Cmdr Wotherspoon with contributions by cmdr beetlejude.
- We’re also giving a shout outs to the following Elite Dangerous podcasts which have appeared over the last year or are standard regular contributers;-
- Loose Screws
- Elite Week
- Flight Assist Off.
- For Spanish Speakers there is the Elite Cast (Dunno if they’re still going let us know)
- Cannon Podcast
- Obsidian Ant and Burr Pitt you can find on You Tube.
- Thanks to those who have chipped in on Twitch chat and in-game commanders