Welcome to the Lavecon 2021 Online Charity Raffle page.

The prize pile is rather exciting with some amazing donated prizes from stunning 3d Printed ships to exclusive Frontier produced items. At least 15 lots to potentially win yourself something special.

You can buy tickets in bundles of 5 in any of the colours for £5.00 each.

All funds from this raffle (bar the transaction fee) are split between to charities Special Effect and Ehlers Danlos

Thank you to everyone who has donated prizes, it is very much appreciated.

These two charities are particularly important to us.

Inclusion and access are values that we consider very important, so the work of Special Effect in assisting disabled gamers to keep doing what they love is a cause we are keen to support.

Some of you already know that one of the Lavecon organizing team has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) which is a connective tissue disorder. While her disability is mostly invisible the pain and fatigue that come with it and the related comorbidities have a huge impact on her life. The work of EDS UK makes a difference to her and to others with EDS. We therefore support this charity, in particular, as it is one close to our hearts.

Support UK.

On Sunday after 12pm you can check your tickets by visiting. (The link will keep sending you here until then)

You WILL need your order number. You can open a tab for each order (should you have a few).

The raffle is intended to be drawn at 4:30pm on 4th July 2021. Tickets will be on sale until 12pm on the 4th July.


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