Kerrash and Ben chat to the winners of the 2015 Ctrl+Alt+Space competition.
The [Rangers of Florin] are:
Cmdr Leo Kei Angelos (@leokeiangelos)
Cmdr Juliette (@juliettesureau)
Cmdr Poonog (@jamescroak)
Cmdr Gameslinger19 (@gameslinger19)
You can check out thier work here on YouTube
Thanks again for having us guys. Loved the interview. Hope to talk with you guys again soon.
This is for John “Kerrash” Virgo. Does anyone know his email address? I have been watching his pre-recorded streams on YouTube and I have been enjoying them. I do not have a Twitch account so I cannot get on a live chat with one of his streams. My elite name in the game is CMDR Cisco Prime. I am currently flying a Python and I am ranked Dangerous in combat, which does not say much, since I have been doing a lot of trading in Solo mode. I would soon like to test the Open Play waters and see how that is. What is the requirements to join one of your chat streams and/or live streaming sessions? I may “bite the bullet” and create a Twitch account. Keep up the good work on your streams. Very informative and entertaining.
We’ll pass your message to John and he can get in touch with you.. though you could leave a message on his youtube comments.